It feels like a year since I've been able to post! We're finally back in action! We've finally settled in VA, and life is resembling something akin to routine again. So much has happened in our extended hiatus. Most importantly Lily Bell has 4 teeth! All of her front teeth are in and making eating all kinds of goodies (and everything in sight) extra fun!
We reached a HUGE milestone Sunday night. While Mommy and Daddy were engrossed in the great football game Lily made her self comfy cozy next to Choco on the floor. This isn't new. Choco's
very tolerant of Lily. So patient in fact one night while we were hanging pictures in the dining room Choco started whimpering. She's a whiny dog so we initially ignored it. Cayce finally looked down at Choco tucked into the corner, and discovered why she was crying. Lily was using Choco's ear as a teething toy for all four of her teeth. Bad Lily! Good Choco for not snapping at Lily! We've been working with Lily and the dogs. "Soft Puppy" we say and softly rub the dogs' fur with Lily's hand. "Gentle" we say. Surely she'll figure it out eventually. Now, back to Sunday night. We were sitting there, and Lily was playing nicely and giggling with Choco's tail. Next thing we know she pulled up on Choco! Lily has not pulled herself up on ANYTHING to this point. Not her crib, the couches, her toys, nothing. Choco apparently was the missing link for her. We were soooo excited! Unfortunately no camera was around to immortalize the moment. Since then she's been the pull up queen, but she only does it when she thinks no one is looking. Yesterday she wandered off into her playroom. There is a clear view of it straight through the house, and I was watching her while in the living room. She was pulling up on all kinds of things in there. She even toppled over and didn't make a peep. It wasn't until she wedged herself between two large toys that she complained.
Today while getting ready to out for a walk I was busy getting the dogs settled and what not. I came into the living room to get Lily and change her clothes. I found her hiding.
What's up here? |
I suppose this means we'll need to use the baby gate for more than just keeping the dogs from going upstairs when we're gone!
Cayce's been very concerned about Lily's development lately. We've started going to the Y, and at the daycare there is another 10 month old, Lena, who is walking and super busy. So he's been "working out" with Lily to hopefully move her along. I guess it's working because it's only been a little over a week, and we've seen some amazing progress! She has a toy given to her from Grampa Mautino that acts as a walker. Cayce holds onto it so it doesn't fly away on the wood floors, and the two do laps downstairs.
Training with Daddy |
She's also finally mastered her walker. Nothing is safe in this house. Cayce calls Lily, Baby Godzilla, because of her knack for destroying everything. When she's in her walker the zone of destruction is exponentially larger. Luckily nothing has broken so far, and we keep the knives and artillery safely out of reach. She's just too cute in it. She's getting very good at moving with speed.
Well now that we're back I'll catch up on all the fun we had over Christmas and our exciting move. Lily seems very happy here, and she loves her new room and the play room. I love the area, our house, and Cayce isn't miserable at work. So things seem to be looking up!