Look at this happy girl. Wouldn't you be happy after 12.5 hours of sleep?
We had our monthly photo shoot:
I think she's officially out grown her infant seat for our photos sessions.
So we'll try a different locale, but she quickly got distracted.
Apparently the photo shoot and lunch exhausted Lily. While I was working on this blog, she was rolling around on the floor babbling, and the next thing I know:
She's asleep.
I want to cover her up, but I know as soon as I get up Choco will also get up which will wake Lily up. I'll just hope she's not too chilly. We have soccer tonight so the more Lily naps this afternoon the better. We don't want a cranky baby in that hot sticky heat. Have a great day!
Oh wow... I can't even imagine what it must be like to have a baby that sleeps. Pleeeease tell me your secret!!! Last night was a terrible night... B was up off and on all night long. I'm tired (literally) of bad sleep. B is a great baby, but she's an awful sleeper. In fact, I can hear her in her room right now. It's 11:17 pm. Here's to another sleepless night!
ReplyDeleteI forgot to say, happy 5 months Lily!
ReplyDeleteI totally didn't mean to whine all over your blog... sorry.